New Necessities

baby necessities
 Before having our second little bean I had a list of things that I wanted to “do over” or try for the first time since having our first son. For example, I wanted to really try hard to breast feed Baby E, I wanted to do more baby wearing, or I wanted to be more aware of the products I used on baby and look for alternative solutions to certain ailments…The list goes on. I’ve been successful at meeting some of these wants, others I’ve found just don’t fit my lifestyle or are just over-ambitious for the time being with two littles. In the process of figuring all of this out, I’ve found some new favorite go to baby items that Im finding I couldn’t live without this time around. A couple post back, I posted my baby essentials (HERE) having gone through round one. Here are some of my new found favorites that I highly recommend:
1. Solly Baby Wrap in Grey Stripe: These carriers are so soft with the perfect amount of stretch. I’ve tried a few wraps and this one is the one he liked the best. It took me and Baby E a few times to get the hang of wearing in general but he loves this wrap and so do I. It doesn’t hurt that they have a wide array of pretty colors.
2. Doterra Essential Oils: Baby E has acid reflux, just like his brother did. I wanted to try an alternative to just giving him medicine since that didn’t help his brother a whole lot by itself. I remember looking into Essential oils when Myles was little and found a good baby blend for acid reflux (lavender+Roman Chamomille+Fractionated Coconut oil). From them on, I kind of got hooked on EOs and have found them helpful for other ailments.
3. Summer Infant SwaddleMe: We came upon the swaddle me by accident. We never thought we needed these because our swaddle game is pretty solid since our first born. However my mom and dad bought us a set and they tried it one day when they were babysitting. They said he loved it and his sleep improved…those were the magic words and we’ve never turned back.
4. The Happy Sleeper: I’ve read my fair share of baby sleep books. This was a big topic that I was very skeptical on trying to learn more about because frankly, it drove me insane trying to sleep train my first son and in the end, it was touch and go so my approach to sleep with Baby E was going to be different. I saw this book recommended and reviewed on the Oh Joy! blog so I thought I’d give it a try. Im so glad I did. The approach of this book is more realistic to me and they set attainable expectations for the different ages of your little ones. I’ve been experimenting with their processes with Baby E these bast month and a half, and he is doing really well! He’s not sleeping through the night yet, but I believe we are laying down the proper building blocks to help him self soothe and most importantly, Im still calm about the whole process!!
5. Wee Gallery Art Cards: The cute cards are Baby E’s favorite. My cousin introduced me to them and Im so glad I got a set for Baby E. He starts flailing his arms and legs and squeals once I start showing them to him. The high contrast art is so appealing to babies and they would make great nursery artwork!!
6. Honest Company bottom spray & body oil: My same cousin recommended the body oil as a safe alternative to the J&J baby oil. It smells so good and leaves his skin so smooth. When I bought the oil I also thought I’d give the diaper bottom spray a try too. Baby E really likes it when I use the spray on him. He feels so fresh and content after those changings.
7. Baby Gap Canvas Emoji Book:  How Cut is this book. I always have it in my bag for a little emergency entertaining when I tote along Baby E. The bright colors of all the faces always grab his attention. I can’t wait until he’s older and I can see him grab and tug on the book when he plays.
What are some of your unexpected baby faves?

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